Role within the CfCWR
Providing general statistical consultancy including the design, conduct, and analysis of trauma and burns related studies.
Other positions held
Medical Statistician at Birmingham Clinical Trials Unit (BCTU).
Ph.D. in Statistics
Based at
BCTU in Public Health, University of Birmingham, and the SRMRC offices in the ITM.
After studying Mathematics and Statistics (MSci Hons – First) at the University of St Andrews, Dr Bishop stayed on to complete a PhD in Statistical Ecology in 2008. After working in Primary Care at the University of Birmingham, he joined Birmingham Clinical Trials Unit (BCTU) as a Statistician for the Surgical Reconstruction and Microbiology Research Centre (SRMRC) in October 2012. His work at BCTU covers the design, conduct and analysis of a diverse portfolio of late phase randomised trials. His research interests include statistical analysis of trauma data on both civilian and military populations and he has helped to design, implement, and analyse the PEGASUS and RePHILL trials. He teaches on the Research Methods Course for clinical trials, which provides an overview of the research process from idea and design to analysis and publication, and on the University of Birmingham’s Masters in Public Health course. He also tutors on the University of Birmingham’s BMedSc and MBChB programmes.
Contact details
+44 (0)121 415 9117